Pagan is Satan!

also I post my research on Google Plus yes caress Facebook and YouTube please follow eachTHE CHURCH is not Religion , 99.9% of antichrist Christians follow the other jesus , 2 Corth 11:4,14-15 , That or THE LAW OF DOCTRINE & PROPHECY , is proof you follow , come out ! of Her . Time is up ! Time will be no more . I’m looking for people, ELECT , FEW , CHOSEN, THE REBUKABLE , SEEKERS OF TRUTH ,TRUTHERS that are sick and tired of religion , because it is not of God ( THE I AM ) but Nimrod BUT IT IS HIS FATHER SATAN WHICH GETS ALL THE SOULS , NIMROD A HUNTER OF SOULS !! ME,( JUST} A MESSENGER NO MORE , WHEN THE LAW OF DOCTRINE & PROPHECY COMES AFTER THE POLAR SHIFT OR SATAN’S PHYSICAL APPEARANCE .